SITEPAINTERS Western OR University Math/Nursing Dept |
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To Manifest
5'-2"x 17'-0" | |
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To Manifest
2'-0"x 1'-11"x 2" | |
To Nurture
4'-2"x 1'-11" | | |
Western Oregon University
345 N Monmouth Ave.
Monmouth, OR 97361 |
Oregon Arts Commission, client |
Percent for Art commission for WOU's Math/Nursing Building entrance lobby. To Manifest is a series exploring in Da Vincian spirit the numerical sequence of zero to nine. The panels (carved and painted wood, assemblage, and appliqued linen) speak poetically of the truth of numbers embedded in the forms of nature and the vitality of this manifested world. The diptych, To Nurture , welcomes students, staff, and visitors as they approach the stairs to the Nursing department. |